Virtual Reality: A New Frontier in Mental Health Treatment

When people think of virtual reality, they usually imagine an alternate universe where people can play video games or watch movies. But this technology has many other applications as well, including one that could help millions of people with mental health issues: virtual reality therapy.

Virtual Reality: A New Frontier in Mental Health Treatment
Virtual Reality: A New Frontier in Mental Health Treatment


When people think of virtual reality, they usually imagine an alternate universe where people can play video games or watch movies. But this technology has many other applications as well, including one that could help millions of people with mental health issues: virtual reality therapy.

Virtual reality can create an ideal environment for therapy.

Virtual reality can help people feel more comfortable, safe and secure. By creating an ideal environment, VR can provide a distraction from the real world. This is especially helpful for those with PTSD, who often experience flashbacks or nightmares that make them feel unsafe. Using virtual reality during therapy sessions will help patients learn how to manage their symptoms by distracting them from these triggers while they are still in session and practicing what they’ve learned outside of it.

Virtual reality can also help people face their fears through exposure therapy, which involves gradually exposing someone to what they fear until they become comfortable enough with the situation (such as heights) to no longer be affected by it. For example if someone has a fear of public speaking then using virtual reality would allow them to practice giving speeches without having any risk of embarrassment or judgment from others because there are no people around!

Specialised programs tailor the experience to specific mental health conditions.

VR therapy can be used to treat a variety of mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. In addition to its use in treating the symptoms of these conditions, VR has also been found to reduce the risk of relapse. Studies show that individuals who undergo VR treatment have lower instances of relapsing into depression or anxiety than those who do not receive any form of treatment.

Therapies can be tailored to each individual's specific needs; in fact, it is designed with them in mind from the very beginning by providing them an experience that feels real but isn't actually real. It's almost like a dream scenario where you are able to do whatever you want while still experiencing all the emotions that come along with it! This gives people an opportunity they may not otherwise have: being able to feel free inside their own minds without having limits placed on them by reality itself!

Virtual reality can be used as an alternative to, or compliment traditional therapies.

Virtual reality can be used as an alternative to traditional therapies. While virtual reality devices are not yet widely available, they offer a promising new way of treating mental health disorders by supplementing or replacing other forms of therapy. Virtual reality devices have the potential to improve treatment outcomes by helping people practice skills and gain new ways of coping with stress.

Mental health issues affect more people than most people realise.

Mental health issues affect more people than you might think. Depression is one of the most common types of mental illness, affecting over 19 million Americans every year; it’s also among the leading causes of disability worldwide.

Other common forms include mood disorders (such as depression), anxiety disorders (including PTSD), eating disorders and substance abuse problems. Fortunately, most people who suffer from these conditions can get treatment through therapy or medication — or both — to help them manage their symptoms so they can live happier lives.

Virtual reality therapy may help to reduce anxiety, depression and symptoms of trauma.

Virtual reality therapy is a treatment option that may help to reduce anxiety, depression and symptoms of trauma. Virtual reality therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety, depression and symptoms of trauma. It has a high success rate for patients who use it.

Virtual reality therapy can be used as an alternative to traditional therapies in the treatment of mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social phobia (social anxiety disorder) and agoraphobia (fear of open spaces).

For example: A patient suffering from PTSD may experience flashbacks or nightmares after traumatic events. In virtual reality therapy, the patient enters into a virtual environment that resembles their real-life situation but allows them to relive it safely at home—without any risk of injury or death.

A month or two into the first Covid19 lockdown I posed the question very early on  about the relashionship between enforced lockdowns and PTSD to Dr Nick Cooper of Essex University, an expert in CBTI and PTSD and he concured that the experiences and reactions to lockdown were in fact somewhat akin to mild PTSD in some.


Virtual reality therapy is still a relativley new field, but it’s already making an impact on patients’ lives. If you are interested in learning more about how VR can help treat your mental health condition, talk to your doctor or therapist today!

Good consistant, unbroken sleep is known to help with a range of mental health disorders.